Why PSTUian?

PSTUian is the very firt step from us to make a common platform for all the students, teachers, employees and everyone else. This could be the place where we will be able to find anyone from PSTU, communicate with them and also help each other however and whenever possible. The possibilities are unlimited. If we can just support each other, keep communication among us, we can make a better feature for everyone. Let's start that from today!

How to use?

The UI is very easy to understand for anyone. You just click the menu and you will find all the information you were looking for. But there is one thing. This is very hard for us to find everyone's information. It's YOU, who can help us. Please, Download the mobile app and sign up with your basic information. Also update about yourself as much as possible. If you do that, your friend might follow you and so on. And in that way someday you will be able to find anyone's information you are looking for. Please let us know if you face any kind of problems while using the website or mobile app.

Want to help?

The greatest help you can do is by using the website and mobile app. By adding your information to the system you can take us one step further to complete our community.

The next thing you can do to help us is by opening your heart. A small Donation from you can help us a lot. Thousands of hours of work made this website and app a reality. We also have future plans for this. Also there are maintaince cost and other things. We are doing everything for free because we love our university and everyone, same as you. Your little support can inspire us a lot for doing better. So, please consider to make a DONATION.


Download From Playstore!

To get the best of it, download the mobile application available in playstore. It's super easy to use and very handy. If you are a PSTUian, you will find it much more interactive too! Available in Playstore

Need Help?

Are you facing any problems or difficulites? You can always reach us for any kind of help, inquery or complain. We are just one message away.

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